Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Just a quick and short blog today.

Aimee cow is sick :( It's crazy how much it can take to keep a baby semi-happy when they aren't feeling well.. I even took her swimming to try and cheer her up. It lasted all of 20 minutes. On top of being sick she is in the beginning stages of teething which I am sure is just adding to her frustration. It's so difficult when they are so small cause you know they don't feel well but they can't tell you anything.

On a side note, during one of Aimee's crying spells last night, I stumbled upon a show called "Yo Gabba, Gabba". Now, personally I think the show is horrible. But Aimee cow LOVES it. I'm talking screaming out, laughing at the tv loves it. There's lots of singing and dancing and I truly think she feels like they are speaking to her and only her :)

Off to sleep now. I am soooo hoping tonight is just a little smoother than last night.

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